Best VR Headset for Skyrim VR (2021): Reviews & Buyers Guide

Enter… Medieval Fantasy World with dragons and elves and mages. You want to experience it… and live it.

You definitely need a carefully selected VR Headset for playing Skyrim in VR.

And then you’re there.

See our Editor’s Picks if you’re in a hurry!



The very popular Skyrim is one of your top choices to live out your fantasy of co-existing with fire-breathing dragons.

Skyrim in virtual reality, well you’re just getting even closer, aren’t you?

So, you need a Skyrim compatible VR Headset.


And in this Review/Guide article, I’m going to help you, not only choose a GREAT headset, but also the best VR Headset for Skyrim VR in 2021.



Now, the best one for you won’t necessarily be the best one for everyone else that you know. It will depend on some specifics pertaining to you.

So, I’m going to make sure to cover a lot of specifics, go over plenty of details, compare them one by one, and paint a picture as clear as possible for all to see which are the top VR headsets for playing Skyrim in VR mode.

Grab your sword, grab a shield, and make sure your internet connection is stable. We’re about to get into this.

So, let’s see our Editor’s Picks first, which is followed by a useful Comparison Table before going to the Reviews and Buyers Guide/FAQ!

Best on a Budget


If you already have a powerful enough PC and no PlayStation:

Samsung HMD Odyssey+

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If you own a PlayStation:

PlayStation VR

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Read the review section for in-depth tech details and pros & cons!

Best OLED Option for Skyrim


HTC Vive Pro

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Whereas you’re a bit more susceptible to some screen door effect with less subpixels… you’re going to get that incredible cinematic feel with the OLED display of Vive Pro.

Experience deep blacks and lifelike colors that are so vivid they’ll be popping right into your retinas!

You might feel less like you’re playing a game and more like you’re playing in a movie!

Read the review section for in-depth tech details and pros & cons!

Absolute Best VR Headset for Skyrim VR


Valve Index

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The Valve Index, with amazing refresh rates (120 – 144 Hz) is the best pick if you don’t want to experience any motion sickness while playing.

You are also offered excellent resolution and built-in audio with Valve Index.

You experience sound as naturally as possible!

Thanks to its LCD technology, you can see bright, clean whites and extra subpixels eliminating the screen door effect.

And it also features a phenomenal 130-degree field of view! Higher than the rest by at least 20 degrees.

Speaking of the controllers, or “knuckles” for Valve Index, you will certainly love them as they try their very best to emulate real life.

So, if you’re willing to try something totally different from everything else on the market, Valve Index is going to give you that real life feel!

See the review section for in-depth tech details and pros & cons!

Best in terms of Value


Samsung HMD Odyssey+

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It offers amazing resolution, great motion tracking experience and amazing audio.

It also uses OLED technology but has anti-screen door effect technology, so you get the best of both worlds with the display.

Read the review section for in-depth tech details and pros & cons!

Best for Image Details


HTC Vive Cosmos

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It offers a resolution of 1440 x 1700, which is the best of all the options on this list of 6-best.

If you want the most details in those fireballs and arrows being flung left, right, and right at you… then the Cosmos may be your best pick.

It also uses LCD technology, so the screen door effect shouldn’t be a problem with the Cosmos, plenty of extra subpixels with this headset.

See the review section for in-depth tech details and pros & cons!

Best LCD Option


Valve Index

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The absolute best option which also uses the LCD technology.

So, not full-on movie-like experience and colors per se, but you can say hello to bright, clean whites and extra subpixels eliminating screen door effect.

The only doors you’ll be worried about will be wooden… and in-game.

Refer to the review section for in-depth tech details and pros & cons!

So, if you want the very best VR Headset for Skyrim VR, then we must define what ‘very best’ means to you.

Perhaps we don’t need to give it a full-on definition, but we want to make sure it’s clearer than just saying ‘very best’.

I say this, because to some people the best could refer to the headset as being the best overall. Balancing many important qualities.

The best could also plainly mean the best audio quality. Some people care more about the video. They want a high resolution.

Some people are more concerned with what kind of display they’re using.

Price could be an important factor.

The overall weight could play a part in this definition.

Perhaps to some, staying as far away from any motion sickness is the biggest key.

And I’m sure to plenty of people, it’s some combination of all or many of those things. And there’s a certain list of priorities.

As long as you know your list and what’s prioritized over other items… then you’re going to have a much easier time figuring out what is your best VR Headset for Skyrim VR.

If your list isn’t so clear right now, that’s OK too. In going over a lot of the details of these Skyrim VR compatible headsets, it will make everything much clearer.

Perhaps some of these headsets will surprise you with what they can do and with features they possess.

What won’t surprise you, is the fun you’re going to have with Skyrim on Virtual Reality.

The game is loaded with action, fun around every corner, and gripping characters and monsters.

Now, let’s get you the best VR Headset for Skyrim VR so that you can experience all the fun to perfection.

To make your buying decision even easier, take a look at the comparison table followed by unbiased reviews and finally the Buyers Guide / FAQ section.

What's the Best VR Headset for Skyrim VR in 2021?

Quick Answer:

Comparison Table for the Best VR Headsets for Skyrim VR in 2021

Skyrim VR Headset View on Amazon Resolution (Per Eye) Refresh Rate Display Weight (gram)
Sony PlayStation VR 960 x 1080 120 Hz OLED 610 g
Samsung HMD Odyssey+ 1440 × 1600 60/90 Hz OLED 590 g
Oculus Rift S 1280 x 1440 80 Hz LCD 500 g
HTC VIVE Cosmos 1440 x 1700 90 Hz LCD 470 g
HTC VIVE Pro 1440 x 1600 90 Hz OLED 550
Valve Index 1440 x 1600 120 Hz (Experimental Mode: 144 Hz) LCD 809

Best Skyrim VR Headsets in 2021

1. Sony PlayStation VR | Best Budget Skyrim VR Headset

best skyrim vr headsets Sony PlayStation VR

Let’s start off by taking a look at the Sony PlayStation VR. This is the cheapest option on the list at about $398.

This would obviously need to be used in tandem with a PlayStation.

If you already own one, then this is a perfect choice for you. If you don’t, it could still be a great choice.

For those who don’t have a PS4 or a computer powerful enough to help service a powerful tethered headset, then you’re going to have to buy some sort of hardware to power the headset.

Getting a PS4 would be an additional cost, but then again, so is a computer.




While this is the option lowest in cost, it is also the option lowest in resolution.

At just 960 x 1080, this will be the lowest image detail you’ll get on the list.

An OLED display, means the whites won’t be quite as bright and clean as an LCD and with less subpixels, then there’s a chance for more screen door effect.

However, it also means deeper blacks and more vivid colors.

The realistic colors can lend to a more “movie-like” quality in the game. And Skyrim is quite the spectacle!

Another plus, is that you get one of the highest refresh rates of every option in my list.

At 120 Hz, the smooth experience will make you forget how to even spell ‘motion sickness’.

Worried all the running around the Skyrim map may make you queasy?

PSVR may be the best VR Headset for Skyrim VR then.

The PSVR has a field of view of 100 degrees, which is decent, but the lowest of all the headsets.

And it is the second heaviest headset on this list at 610 grams, so it has some heft to it.

However, the difference between this headset and the lightest headset, is just 140 grams.

Perhaps you’ll be forgiving of the depth of field and extra weight with the batteries for the controllers said to be able to last you roughly 10 hours.

That’s on the higher end among these Skyrim VR Headsets.




Now, audio and motion tracking are important for headsets in general. They’re especially important for Skyrim.

You want authentic, immersive sound and you also want the game to be able to track your hands and what you’re doing with them.

Unfortunately, the PSVR has somewhat lower quality tracking.

It uses a single camera to track the movement of your hands. It will still get the job done and you’ll be able to do everything you want, but this may give you a higher frequency of minor glitches than the others.

But the audio… 3D audio! Precise and impressive.

You can pinpoint the direction and distance of sounds you hear within the headset to really let you in on how close that dragon is getting!



2. Samsung HMD Odyssey + | Best Skyrim VR Headset for Value

From Samsung the HMD Odyssey+. This is on the cheaper end of the Skyrim VR Headsets we are reviewing.

At about $499, it’s more expensive than the PSVR, but not by all that much.

The Samsung HMD Odyssey+ wants to show you, with a bit more cost than the PSVR, the incredible realities it can bring to you, without you having to spend too much money.

You’ll need a computer, so check specifications to make sure your PC is powerful enough.




Immediately, you’ll notice a big difference with the resolution, being that it’s an impressive 1440 x 1600.

That’s one of the best on this list for image detail.

To complement that, it’s another OLED display.

Yes, you’ll get deep blacks and vivid colors to let you play Skyrim with a cinematic feel!

Worried about the screen door effect?

Samsung smartly created anti-screen door technology in order to combat this, so you’ll get the pros of your typical OLED, and not as many of the cons.

However, the refresh rate isn’t as high as the PSVR.

Depending on your PC, it could be as low as 60 Hz. Which is right at the threshold of what you don’t want to go below in order to avoid motion sickness.

Luckily, depending on your PC, it could also be a nice 90 Hz, which falls right in line with a good VR Headset.

The weight of this headset is 590 grams. A tad lighter than the PSVR, but still falling into line as the third heaviest headset on the list.

A field of view of 110 degrees and battery life of about 10 hours on the controllers are great for continuous gaming.

And with the adjustable headband and construction of the newer Samsung HMD Odyssey+ with comfortable materials and being 10% lighter than its predecessor, it’s a fairly comfy choice!

There are no flip-up goggles as featured in other VR Headsets, but a ‘flashlight mode’ lets you peek at the real world briefly if you need to.




The HMD Odyssey+ has inside-out tracking, so the motion tracking is excellent.

You rarely have issues with the game knowing the placement of your hands or the motions you make with them.

It will feel seamless as you wave, swing, chop or shoot arrows! It even has a built-in Bluetooth module for extra smoothness!

Samsung incorporated premium AKG headphones built right into the headset.

They possess 360-degree surrounding audio which will further immerse you into this medieval world.

This headset doesn’t include a headphone jack though. Not a problem, so long as the included audio is exactly what you want.



3. Oculus Rift S | Best Battery Life on Controllers

best vr headsets for skyrim vr Oculus Rift S

Making a bit of a jump in the price range, we’ll take a look at the Oculus Rift S which costs around $660.

Third cheapest on the list, still far from the most expensive of all the options, but a noticeable increase from the last two.

The Rift S will require your PC to have some certain specs, so be sure you know what you need.

But let’s see what exactly this fantastic headset from Oculus is offering us!




A resolution of 1280 x 1440 is going to give you a little less detail to image quality than the Samsung, but more so than you get with the PSVR.

And a refresh rate of 80 Hz is decent.

Not as good as the PSVR, or the best that you can get out of the Samsung, but 80Hz is well above the motion sickness threshold.

How this Skyrim VR Headset differs greatly from the last two is that it uses an LCD as opposed to OLED.

So, perhaps the cinematic feel is a bit lesser, but the sharp and clean whites brighten this game up!

And with extra subpixels that you get with LCD, the screen door effect won’t take you out of the game. You’ll feel like you’re living the game!

The Oculus Rift S only weighs 500 grams, making it the second lightest headset on this list.

Pair that with the fact that the halo headband used is ergonomically designed for extreme comfort… and this is an excellent choice for extended gameplay!

How nice, you can wear it for long periods of time comfortably and might not even remember you’re wearing it!

How long can you use it, though?

Well, the Rift S has the best battery life of every headset on this list, by far! It’s said to last around 30 hours without haptic feedback and still around 20 or so hours with haptic feedback!

Want to do some marathon-playing? The Oculus Rift S may be the best VR Headset for Skyrim VR in that case!

And a field of view of 110 degrees is right on par with this list, providing you the ability to see your surroundings magnificently!




Audio is built right into the Oculus Rift S headset and provides an extremely realistic experience.

And along with top-notch motion tracking from the inside-out tracking, you’ll be absolutely immersed in this world.

Run from that dragon as fast as you want, play won’t be disrupted!



4. HTC Vive Cosmos | Best Skyrim VR Headset for Image Details

best vr headsets for skyrim vr HTC Vive Cosmos

And let’s take a look at the HTC Vive Cosmos. Similarly priced to the Oculus Rift S, just slightly more expensive at about $690.

You’ll also require a powerful enough PC to run with the Cosmos, so make sure the PC you have is up to par. If not, that’s an additional purchase you’ll need to make.




Right off the bat, let’s talk about two things this headset can claim to be the best at.

A resolution of 1440 x 1700 is the best of all the options on this list of six-best.

So, if you want the most detail in those fireballs and arrows being flung left, right, and right at you… then the Cosmos may be the best VR Headset for Skyrim VR.

Here’s another plus, at just 470 grams, this is the lightest of all the Skyrim VR Headsets on the list.

Interested in extended period of play and don’t want your headset weighing you down? Perhaps you’ll want to think… Cosmos!

The refresh rate of 90 Hz is great, on par with most headsets here. Keeping latency down and motion sickness at bay.

It has a field of view of 110 degrees, also on par with most of the headsets and great for your viewing pleasure.

This is another headset that uses LCD.

So, the screen door effect shouldn’t be a problem with the Cosmos, plenty of extra subpixels with this headset.

Clean, bright whites in your game; however, you don’t quite get the full-on cinematic feel you would with OLED’s vivid and realistic colors. Perhaps HTC has something else for you if that’s what you desire…

Oh, and let’s not forget about the crown fit on the Cosmos.

It comfortably fits many different face sizes and shapes and if you wear glasses and would prefer to leave them on during your gaming… the Cosmos fits right over them.

Need to take a quick break and re-enter reality?

The flip up goggles make this a breeze!

One downside would be the battery life on the Cosmos controllers. Only giving you about 2-3 hours puts this as one of the lowest on this list.




The Cosmos touts built-in form-fitting headphones that fit over your ears that deliver high-quality audio.

The Cosmos now boasts inside-out tracking so there’s no need for base stations.

The motion tracking will be smooth and near flawless as you fight the good fight against evil-doers. Nothing will hold you back.



There are also reviews for this headset here:

See also: Best Flight Sim VR Headsets

See alsoBest VR Headsets for X-Plane 11

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5. HTC Vive Pro | Best OLED Skyrim VR Headset

best skyrim vr headsets HTC Vive Pro

As foreshadowed earlier… there’s another option from HTC. The HTC Vive Pro.

This headset is more expensive, taking a larger leap in price totaling to about $899.

Another headset requiring a PC. Your PC will need to be compatible so check the specs on that.

This is another quality product from HTC with some slight differences.




You’ll get the same standard 90 Hz refresh rate in order to keep the latency down.

The resolution is a bit lower than the Cosmos but still incredible at 1440 x 1600.

So, images will be detailed as you roam the countryside with your weapons in hand.

On that topic, the Pro goes the route of incorporating OLED instead of LCD.

Whereas you’re a bit more susceptible to some screen door effect with less subpixels… you’re going to get that incredible cinematic feel.

Experience deep blacks and lifelike colors that are so vivid they’ll be popping right into your retinas!

You might feel less like you’re playing a game and more like you’re playing a movie!

The HTC Vive Pro weighs about 550 grams, so it’s heavier than the Cosmos, but it’s still the third lightest on this list of six.

This Skyrim VR Headset from HTC unfortunately also claims only about 2-3 hours of battery life on the controllers, being tied for the lowest of all these headsets.

But it also has that nice, standard 110-degree field of view so you’ll have incredible views all around you.

And the Pro is even more comfortable.

They made sure to design it in an ergonomic fashion.

Evenly distributed weight so you feel centered while wearing it…

Adjustable headstrap and soft, padded comfortable materials so you aren’t inconvenienced while wearing it…

And they’ve increased the face gasket surface area… all for your comfort!




You’ll be getting 3D Spatial Audio with the Pro.

The audio is an excellent feature that will further immerse you into the game. It’s like having a surround sound system… on your head!

Now, you don’t have inside-out tracking with this headset.

The motion tracking works with base stations, which do come with the general package of a Pro.

And the quality then using the base stations is incredible.

The only downside would be for a room that isn’t a typical shape or size and the two provided base stations aren’t enough to handle it…

You would have to purchase more base stations to supplement. But the experience via motion tracking with base stations is amazing!



There are also reviews for this headset here:

See also: Best Flight Sim VR Headsets

See alsoBest VR Headsets for X-Plane 11

See alsoBest VR Headsets for Skyrim VR

See alsoBest VR Headsets for Watching Movies

See alsoBest VR Headsets for VRChat



6. Valve Index | Absolute BEST Skyrim VR Headset

best skyrim vr headsets Valve Index

And lastly, we come to the big dog, the Valve Index.

You’ll likely notice it’s the most expensive Skyrim compatible VR Headset we’ve examined thus far.

You’ll see why in just a moment.

And don’t forget to check PC requirements, this headset does need your PC to be up to par.




Like the HTC Vive Pro and the Odyssey from Samsung, the Valve Index has a resolution of 1440 x 1600.

One of the best you can get. Image details will pop during gaming.

And this is another headset using LCD.

So, not full-on movie-like experience and colors per se, but you can say hello to bright, clean whites and extra subpixels eliminating screen door effect.

The only doors you’ll be worried about will be wooden… and in-game.

This headset is the heaviest one of them all by far, clocking in at 809 grams.

The next closest in weight is about 200 grams lighter. Just something for you to keep in mind if you’re worried about anything weighing down on you.

How about some areas in which the Index excels?

The refresh rate of 120 Hz ties the PSVR for the best in that area and it even touts a 144Hz experimental mode.

This means, no one else can touch the Index in terms of eradicating latency and motion sickness.

And it also features a phenomenal 130-degree field of view! Higher than the rest by at least 20 degrees.

If you really want to replicate real life, the Index will give you the feeling of all-around views and duplicate your peripheral vision abilities quite well!

And not to worry, in expanding the field of view, they made sure there wouldn’t be distortion and the optical sharpness wouldn’t be compromised.

The battery life for the controllers is about 7-8 hours, which is much better than both options from HTC; however, it’s still somewhat on the lower end for this list.

Speaking of the controllers, for Valve Index, they refer to them as “knuckles”.

Now, some who have gotten used to the typical controllers VR Headsets often possess, have mentioned the knuckles can be tough to get used to.

For those who haven’t used many other types of controllers, the knuckles are fairly intuitive.

What the knuckles do, is try their very best to emulate real life.

You don’t constantly hold the controllers… your hands slide into them. That way you can pick up and drop items just as you would in real life. The knuckles stay on.

So, if you’re willing to try something totally different from everything else on the market, Valve’s knuckles are going to give you that real life feel!

Don’t be held back by having to hold your controllers… you are no longer playing a game… you are in medieval times, picking up that sword, and that dragon really is coming right for you!




Looking to the audio experience, the Index thinks you should experience sound as naturally as possible.

The speakers in the headset don’t touch your ears, so that the sound won’t appear to be coming from inside your head, but rather, from all around you.

And the motion tracking is incredible.

Another headset that requires base stations, so the quality is impressive.

However, the possible downside again being, if your room you play in is an odd shape or size, you may require more base stations.



Best VR Headset for Skyrim VR — Buyers Guide

As you can see, there’s a lot to think about. But it’s all there. Read away and think away.

Keep in mind the important things you had in your mind before reading this article.

And if any new details have struck you as important along the way, that’s great!

The goal is for you to learn about all of these headsets well enough so that you can make the decision on which is the best VR Headset for Skyrim VR.

And if you still need help figuring that out, I’m still here.

I’ll help make sense of these details we covered.

Translate some of it into a little more easy-to-understand terms. And we’ll apply all those details to your every-day wants and desires.

Let’s go over some frequently asked questions and give out some answers.

Chances are, a lot of these questions will be questions you’ve been pondering. Or they’re very similar.

But in answering some of these questions, it will help you to narrow down the choices so you can make that ever-important decision on which Skyrim VR Headset is going to be the best for you.

What is the cheapest VR Headset for playing Skyrim in VR?

The cheapest headset is the PlayStation VR at about $398. Don’t forget, that requires you to have a PlayStation to operate.

If you don’t have a PlayStation or a powerful enough PC, you obviously will have to buy one or the other.

And likely the PlayStation VR with PlayStation will still be the cheapest.

However, if you don’t have a PlayStation but you do have a PC that meets all the requirements, then the cheapest option is the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ at about $499.

What is the greatest headset option if I don’t want to experience any motion sickness?

The Valve Index, with experimental mode, is the best for that.

If not on experimental mode, the Valve Index is tied for the best along with the PlayStation VR.

What is the best possible VR Headset for Skyrim VR if I want great motion tracking but don’t want to have any base stations?

The Oculus Rift S has impeccable inside-out tracking.

The HTC Vive Cosmos also touts high motion tracking.

You could go with either of those, both are LCD.

Say, you wanted the best motion tracking with no base stations and wanted OLED, then choose the Samsung HMD Odyssey+.

What is the top VR headset that has OLED technology as well?

I would choose the HTC Vive Pro.

What is the best option that has LCD technology?

You’ll want the Valve Index.

What is the Absolute BEST VR Headset for playing Skyrim in VR?

I’d certainly choose the Valve Index again.

What is the best VALUE Headset for Skyrim VR?

I would choose the Samsung HMD Odyssey+.

It’s the second cheapest option on the list, and for its low price you get a lot.

Great resolution, amazing motion tracking experience, great audio, and it uses OLED but has anti-screen door effect technology, so you get the best of both worlds with the display.

What is the best choice if I’m most concerned with comfort?

Though many of the headsets talk about the comfort and ergonomically-sound design they have, the Oculus Rift S and HTC Vive Cosmos also are the two lightest options on the list.

Light on the head and comfortable feeling… that’s a recipe for overall comfort there.

What is the best Skyrim VR Headset which is suitable for long-playing sessions?

This could depend on what you mean for long-playing sessions.

Perhaps you want to have multiple long-playing sessions back to back without having to recharge the batteries. Or maybe you plan to have extremely long-playing sessions.

Either way, you can’t go wrong with the Oculus Rift S.

It has the best battery life on the controllers by far!

Which Skyrim VR headset has an excellent audio?

I would choose either the HTC Vive Pro or the Valve Index.

The Valve Index has the audio just off your ears, which many seem to really appreciate as it creates a further immersive experience.

Best VR Headset for Skyrim VR — Conclusion

There we go! Everyone in the land of Skyrim better watch out!

A new competitor looks to be joining the VR space.

You now have all the details on several excellent Skyrim compatible VR Headsets.

We’ve made sense of what those details really mean and how they apply to you.

We’ve laid claim to which headsets are the best in different scenarios.

All you have to do is identify your scenario… and choose!


Sometimes it’s not as easy as saying, I want the cheapest, or I want a great LCD option. Maybe it’s both. The cheapest LCD option is the Oculus Rift S.

Maybe you originally wanted the sharpest images and gravitated towards the HTC Vive Cosmos but then realized, perhaps the LCD won’t let you experience movie-like quality while playing the game.

The HTC Vive Pro has a close resolution with almost as sharp images and an OLED.

Same with the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ and still has anti-screen door technology.

Maybe you may want to choose one of those.

You won’t really have to compromise what you want. Even if you want combinations of different things.

Among all these options, you can definitely find the best VR Headset for Skyrim VR… for you.

And we definitely won’t want to compromise when it comes to fire-breathing dragons.

Stay on your toes and make sure you have the best of the best Skyrim VR Headsets!

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Mike has a PhD in Engineering and is currently a Scientist in an international research institute. He is 39 and loves researching about interaction of light with solid materials. Application of his research includes but not limited to solid state lighting, white-light emitting diodes (LED)photodetectors and optoelectronic devices

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